
The Signals project aims to improve the system of early identification of children at risk and the provision of assistance to these children. We systematically build interdisciplinary cooperation, introduce functional tools and activities to support children, train people in the field, and provide them with the necessary know-how. With early help, we can change the fate of many children.

About the project

Strengthening collaboration between segments

  • We are creating regional interdisciplinary platforms that actively involve teachers, social workers, health professionals and the police, and teach them to work together in order to help children at risk. 
  • We organise service fairs, where organisations present how they can specifically support children at risk, so that others can get comprehensive information about the possibilities for help in a given locality.

We put new knowledge into practice

  • We have created the position of Case Manager, who maps the situations of families at risk and connects them with other professionals who are able to provide the necessary support.
  • We organize "case meetings", a new form of assistance to specific families, where parents and professionals (and sometimes children) together with a facilitator look for a solution to the child's situation.
  • We have launched a proven screening of the psychosocial burden of mothers in the maternity ward. It helps to identify at-risk mothers, who are then helped by the linked services.

We have created a helper for everyone - the KID card

  • The KID card is a very effective and easy-to-use tool that facilitates early detection of a child at risk.
  • The card is intended for all professions that may come into contact with children at risk.
  • It provides clues to identify acute or chronic threats to a child's life, safety and health. 
  • Above all, it describes the procedure to ensure the child's protection in the event of the child being at risk.

We educate professionals as well as parents

  • We provide training for workers involved in social services, health care, education and the police, focused on early identification of children at risk.
  • We regularly organize case seminars for professionals, workshops for the transfer of know-how to professionals working with children. 
  • We are currently planning a course for the development of parental competences, and much more.

  • Implementation period: 1.9. 2020 - 31.12. 2024
  • Thematic area: Children at risk
  • Partners: MSMT, MPSV, MZČR, MV
  • Funding: Česká spořitelna Foundation (til Dec 31, 2023), Unicef (from Jan 1, 2023 til Dec 31, 2024)


Karta KID pro rodiče

Karty adaptované pro rodiče - využitelné pro rodiče v obtížných životních situacích. Obsahuje kontakty na odbornou pomoc v rámci celé ČR.

Karta KID pro děti

Karta adaptovaná pro děti. Popisuje nejčastější situace, které nasvědčují tomu, že je dítě v ohrožení a radí, na koho se může v případě potřeby obrátit. Obsahuje kontakty v rámci celé ČR, na které se děti mohou obrátit ve složitých situacích. Určená pro rozdávání přímo dětem.


